Eat Together, Succeed Together - Mothers Kitchen

Eat Together, Succeed Together

There are myriad reason eat together in a regular basis in office it enhances job satisfaction, the employees get along and can have a positive impact on health and wellness in the workplace. One of the most important outcomes of office meals, however, is an enhanced sense of teamwork.

As many may know, teamwork can be a tricky thing, and it’s hard to build solely within the confines of a group meeting or work session “The key to effective teams is very simple: provided people are capable, all you need to do is get them to care about something other than themselves. The problem: that’s very difficult to do.”

One way to promote a culture of teamwork — of caring about a common goal or a group project more than individual recognition or accomplishment — is to foster social bonds and friendships in the office. After all, even when a workload is more solitary, research shows that forming friendships at work can have some very positive impacts.

A workplace friendship “improves not only your mood and outlook at work, but also your performance,” Deanna Geddes, Human Resource Management department chair at Temple University, reported to the BBC. Indeed, one recent survey demonstrated that the friendships formed at work can be among the most powerful and emotionally supportive in our lives — especially when the workplace is a stressful or higher-paced environment. Having someone to talk to and rely on at the office can make even the worst day much more bearable than when you feel isolated and alone in the midst of challenging circumstances.

What does all of this have to do with food? Well, if social bonds and friendships are key to a positive work environment, then office meals simply provide the opportunity for those bonds to form or strengthen. That’s where careful planning is key: rather than just setting some food in the break room and sending out an email, employers should make a point to invite everyone to share the meal together. Specifically structuring meals as a social occasion sends the message to employees that taking the time to linger over conversations and get to know one another is considered valuable and a worthy use of company resources.

What’s more, if a catered meal is brought in as a reward for meeting a goal or completing a project, the entire team sitting together to eat, laugh, and reflect on the hard work that led to the point of celebration will only reinforce the ideas of teamwork and collaboration. The next time a challenging project arises, the memory and experience of celebrating success together could serve as a powerful confidence boost.

Essentially, eating together as a work team has the same benefits that have been demonstrated time and again for families: it fosters a sense of belonging and a shared, meaningful experience that can build supportive relationships. And when it comes to creating those opportunities, the expert team at Mothers Kitchen can help you plan the perfect menu or delivery order that will ensure every member of your team has a positive, delicious experience and we help you stay healthy. Wealthy and wise.

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